Security is one most vital aspect in all circles of our life, especially in this so called Information Age. We do accomplish almost every task today with the aid of a computer, being it a mobile phone, laptop computer, whatever. In doing so, we leave a lot of data around ready to be stolen, with the least of chance.
But how do you know if you have been hacked? A great though, since it’s always not clear like some skull and bones appearing on the screen.
Now this article is going to show you how to figure out if you have been hacked. Most of these signs happen to us every day but we may not know what it is. Some are also the works of malware which almost imply that that you are on the way to hacked.
Antivirus software is disabled
One quick way to notice if you have been compromised is your antivirus. If it has stopped, then there is a high probability that you have been infected and getting hacked. The advice here is not to open some applications that may use your credentials. Example is logging in your bank account or any account at all. Make sure you get the antivirus software back and working before you try to use your credentials. You should always remember to back up regularly if you change data on your system keeps quite often.
Slow running device
Some attacks are quite elusive. After infecting you device, it may be used for activities in the background. Your device may be part of a botnet or being used for cryptojacking. This is not easily spotted, since attackers deliberately hide such activities.
Such attacks can be known with the help of your internet service provider. Providers track your data usage so you can cross check with them to spot out spikes in data usage that do not match your normal usage.
Unauthorised transactions/activities
For unauthorised transactions it is quite clear that someone is picking food from your plate. Perhaps you have become a victim of a phishing attack. You may notice that there are transactions/activities you didn’t sanction. It could be your social media account making posts you know nothing of. Or even worse, your bank account being use to make purchases you didn’t authorise.
You quickly need to change your login credentials and if it’s a bank account be quick to inform the bank about the situation.
Ransom messages
To get ransom message, then you are a hundred percent sure that you’ve been hacked. This is called the Ransomware attacks. They install malware on you device which block access to your data. It cripples you from using the device.
The message will demand payment from you before it will release your device to. These such attacks usually ask for an amount in cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. They sometimes give a scheduled period of time threatening that they will wipe all your data in payment is not made on time.
It’s really frightening attack.
To prevent such attacks, make sure you are running an up to date antivirus software that includes ransomware protection. And again, keep regular backups.
Password isn’t working
One of the commonest forms of cybercrime is a phishing attack. Hackers send legitimate-looking emails/links to people trying to make them believe they are from the actual companies. This tricks the “victim” to give up their secure information usually their login credentials.
You perhaps may have been a victim to such an attack. Immediately report it to the company for them to rectify the problem.
A usual advice is use stronger passwords but stronger password aren’t anything since the attacker see it in plain language. It is better to use a password manager if you have different passwords for your many accounts – which the optimum practice. The password manager will store all your passwords. With this you can use very complex and even not-so-easily remembered passcodes since you just need to remember one – the password manager’s own.
In a nutshell…
Pay close attention to security updates and be wary of the stuff you download from the internet, especially free software. Also, be sure of the emails you get. Update your security software for your systems at all times.
But how do you know if you have been hacked? A great though, since it’s always not clear like some skull and bones appearing on the screen.
Now this article is going to show you how to figure out if you have been hacked. Most of these signs happen to us every day but we may not know what it is. Some are also the works of malware which almost imply that that you are on the way to hacked.
Antivirus software is disabled
One quick way to notice if you have been compromised is your antivirus. If it has stopped, then there is a high probability that you have been infected and getting hacked. The advice here is not to open some applications that may use your credentials. Example is logging in your bank account or any account at all. Make sure you get the antivirus software back and working before you try to use your credentials. You should always remember to back up regularly if you change data on your system keeps quite often.
Slow running device
Some attacks are quite elusive. After infecting you device, it may be used for activities in the background. Your device may be part of a botnet or being used for cryptojacking. This is not easily spotted, since attackers deliberately hide such activities.
Such attacks can be known with the help of your internet service provider. Providers track your data usage so you can cross check with them to spot out spikes in data usage that do not match your normal usage.
Unauthorised transactions/activities
For unauthorised transactions it is quite clear that someone is picking food from your plate. Perhaps you have become a victim of a phishing attack. You may notice that there are transactions/activities you didn’t sanction. It could be your social media account making posts you know nothing of. Or even worse, your bank account being use to make purchases you didn’t authorise.
You quickly need to change your login credentials and if it’s a bank account be quick to inform the bank about the situation.
Ransom messages
To get ransom message, then you are a hundred percent sure that you’ve been hacked. This is called the Ransomware attacks. They install malware on you device which block access to your data. It cripples you from using the device.
The message will demand payment from you before it will release your device to. These such attacks usually ask for an amount in cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin. They sometimes give a scheduled period of time threatening that they will wipe all your data in payment is not made on time.
It’s really frightening attack.
To prevent such attacks, make sure you are running an up to date antivirus software that includes ransomware protection. And again, keep regular backups.
Password isn’t working
One of the commonest forms of cybercrime is a phishing attack. Hackers send legitimate-looking emails/links to people trying to make them believe they are from the actual companies. This tricks the “victim” to give up their secure information usually their login credentials.
You perhaps may have been a victim to such an attack. Immediately report it to the company for them to rectify the problem.
A usual advice is use stronger passwords but stronger password aren’t anything since the attacker see it in plain language. It is better to use a password manager if you have different passwords for your many accounts – which the optimum practice. The password manager will store all your passwords. With this you can use very complex and even not-so-easily remembered passcodes since you just need to remember one – the password manager’s own.
In a nutshell…
Pay close attention to security updates and be wary of the stuff you download from the internet, especially free software. Also, be sure of the emails you get. Update your security software for your systems at all times.
This is the 5 sure ways to know if you have been hacked
Reviewed by Deraah
February 12, 2019
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