New Zealand ISPs block websites hosting Christchurch shooting video

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Internet providers in New Zealand aren't relying solely on companies like Facebook and YouTube to get rid of the Christchurch mass shooter's video. Major ISPs in the country, including Vodafone, Spark and Vocus, are working together to block access at the DNS level to websites that don't quickly respond to video takedown requests. The move quickly cut off access to multiple sites, including 4chan, 8chan (where the shooter was a member), LiveLeak and file transfer site Mega. The block goes away the moment a site complies, and Vodafone told Bleeping Computer that a "number of sites" were unblocked that way.

New Zealand ISPs block websites hosting Christchurch shooting video New Zealand ISPs block websites hosting Christchurch shooting video Reviewed by Deraah on March 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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