Twitter will soon let you subscribe to conversations without commenting, liking- Technology News, Firstpost

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tech2 News StaffMar 18, 2019 07:49:24 IST

To know what is buzzing in the Twitter world, you have to either like or reply on a thread to get the updates. Now, Twitter is looking at changing that to make the platform more 'conversational'.

Twitter will soon let you subscribe to conversations without commenting, liking

Twitter testing new profile preview overlay on iOS app. Image: Pixabay

Twitter tipster Jane Manchun Wong has unearthed a 'subscribe to conversation' feature, confirmed by the microblogging site, that allows one to get notifications about an active thread without having to like or reply on it, Engadget reported.

Twitter is testing "Subscribe to conversation" so you can get notified over a conversation without liking or replying 🍿

— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) March 15, 2019

The new tool is located to the top right corner of threads. Once enabled, you will be notified when additional tweets are added to the thread. As the feature is currently available in the beta version of the Android app, it is unclear if it will be rolled out to the masses.

Besides that, Wong also shared what the rumoured "News Camera" feature on the platform may look like. This will apparently allow users to add "new camera moments on top of previous ones into a thread". Somewhat like a tweet thread, but with pictures.

Twitter "News Camera" is testing adding new camera moments on top of previous ones into a thread

(Yes I'm literally tweeting this while eating the ramen 🍜)

— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) March 17, 2019

In addition to that, she also suggested that Twitter is working on a separate 'Trending' tab under Explore, which will show the trending topics according to regions.

Twitter is testing an individual "Trending" tab in Explore for showing regional trends

— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) March 16, 2019

Finally, Wong also tweeted that for Android users, the Twitter app will soon start including the entire follower count. Which is more like a bug fix than a new feature.

Twitter for Android is testing including the whole number of Followers count in followers screen


— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) March 16, 2019

With inputs from ANI.

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Twitter will soon let you subscribe to conversations without commenting, liking- Technology News, Firstpost Twitter will soon let you subscribe to conversations without
commenting, liking- Technology News, Firstpost Reviewed by Deraah on March 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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